Tag: Yom Kippur

Violence, Loss and Healing—Emily Barth Isler’s “Aftermath”

I love showing a roadmap to forgiveness in the book. In a story that shares more than enough examples of how life can be horribly unfair and sad, I want kids to see examples of how things can go well or be done helpfully. How things can go right.

I Didn’t Go to Services This Year, But…

I didn’t go to services this year because every time I logged on to Zoom services I immediately grew restless and twitchy and grief-triggered and I ended up shopping for hoodies on Lululemon.  

The Pain of Singing Carlebach

Wrestling with the legacy of signing melodies by Shlomo Carlebach— prolific and influential song leader, and also a known abuser.

Black Jewish Women Artists You Should Know…Jessica Valoris

My chosen people, with whom I build community, are Black and queer and woman and sister and artist. My people are feminist, and pro-Black and anti-racist, and co-creating ways to dismantle capitalism in all its manifestations. 

When You Say #MeToo, What Dangers Lurk?

Radical empathy will let us see past the surface and imagine the various steps that a person in crisis must take. In the case of a high-profile #MeToo accuser, these could include costs like hiring lawyers, losing time from work, paying for cross-country flights to testify.