Tag: Lilith Q&A

Idra Novey Talks Art, Appalachia, Antisemitism

Novelist Idra Novey talks to Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough about the continuing mystery of the people we love most, and what can be built from what others have discarded.

A Love Affair With Barthes’ Words

Lilith’s Yona Zeldis McDonough talks to author Edie Meidav about her unique and transdisciplinary novel, Another Love Discourse.

Susan Shapiro on Betrayal and Forgiveness

Finding herself in a moment of crisis after a betrayal by her trusted therapist, Shapiro challenges the common wisdom that we must forgive to forget

A Female Friendship From the Catskills to the Wider World

As Alice Rosenthal's novel of friendship, Bess and Frima, unfolds, the menace of world war is growing, and Beth and Frima must grow up fast. Balancing love, ambition, religion, family, and politics, each young woman faces challenges she never imagined in her girlhood. Fiction Editor Yona Zeldis McDonough talks to author Alice Rosenthal about the personal history she mined to write this tender story.