Black Jewish Women Artists You Should Know… Jordana Daumec

Art–whether it be dancing, painting, drawing, film–creates a space for self-examination, helping us to envision possible futures, and better versions of ourselves. And the Jewish month of Elul is traditionally an opportunity for introspection before the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Recognizing the power of art to be transformative, Lilith is highlighting Black Jewish women artists in this time leading up to and through Elul. On Lilith’s platforms you’ll have a chance to experience, share, and celebrate their work.

You can also participate by letting us know (at Black Jewish women creators we should include!


This week Lilith is featuring Jordana Daumec.


Jordana Daumec was born in New York City. She trained at Studio Maestro in New York City and Canada’s National Ballet School. Jordana joined The National Ballet of Canada as an RBC Apprentice in 2003 and was promoted to First Soloist in 2015.

What is the comfort food you’re making during the pandemic?

This is an easy answer, challah! I make my husband and me a loaf every week. Such a great way to spend a day. I love the smell of the baking bread, you can see the love that you put into it and it comes out so delicious. I’m sure we’d eat more than one loaf a week if I made us more.  


What is the world calling you to be/do in this moment?

Tackling issues of diversity have always been a calling to me but in this time of the pandemic, when we are all home and have more free time, my focus has been on what I can do for my dance community in a positive and constructive way. Starting conversations, bringing awareness, listening, being active to help make change. It’s really wonderful to see so many people coming together to use this time to make a difference. 


For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

This is a hard one to limit to just one thing. I’m grateful for the love and support of my husband and family on a daily basis. With their constant love, I feel like I can accomplish anything. I am also grateful that I am in a profession that I love to do. I get to work with amazing people who have had such an impact on me. An example was getting to work with William Forsythe and Crystal Pite this year. It was career changing! Honestly, I can say I feel the Mazels coming down from the stars.