Jewish Women’s Literary Annual

Jewish Women’s Literary Annual, Vol. 1, No. 1
edited by Henny Wenkart

Jewish Women’s Resource Center, 1993. $7.50 per annual, $15 for 3 year subscription. Order from the National Council of Jewish Women, New York Center, 9 East 69th St.,New York, NY 10021

From poetry about the prophetess Miriam to accounts of their romances with Israeli soldiers, Jewish women are now connecting their Jewish and female sides in poetry and prose as never before. Henny Wenkart’s anthology is a wonderful compilation of some of this marvelous writing. With authors such as Leslea Newman and Lilith’s poetry editor Alicia Ostriker, this book covers a wide variety of personal subjects, from women in the Bible to their own grandmothers. This collection provides outstanding examples of some of the best Jewish women’s writing today.