Jewish Women and the Feminist Revolution

Want to know what took place when, in the 35 years since the current wave of feminist activism began? Want to be able to search by name for a Jewish woman active in the movement for women’s liberation? Wonder what the movement was all about? An astonishingly comprehensive new project launched by the Jewish Women’s Archive offers some answers.

“Jewish women and the feminist revolution” at opens with the statement that “As activists, professionals, artists and intellectuals, Jewish feminists have shaped every aspect of American life. Drawing on the insights of feminism, they have also transformed the Jewish community….In this online exhibit, you will discover the powerful contributions of Jewish feminists through their own words and historical artifacts.”

You can search the site by timeline, by person or topic, or by one of several themes, including “Feminism and Judaism,” “Judaism and social justice,” “Confronting power,” “My career,” and more. Many of the links will take you to statements by Jewish women (including Lilith board member Barbara Dobkin, Editor in Chief and founding mother Susan Weidman Schneider, and many Lilith authors) whose words and works have made them pioneers in the movement for women’s rights, both within the Jewish world and in the larger community too. You can even spot the cover of Lilith’s 1976 premier issue in the exhibit!