

A new free brochure describes options for CELEBRATING A BAT OR BAR MITZVAH IN ISRAEL from Association of Reform Zionists of America/838 Fifth Avenue/New York, NY 10021.

WOMEN MOVING FORWARD: DREAMERS, BUILDERS, LEADERS: A HISTORY OF JEWISH WOMEN IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, written by Norma Fain Pratt, is a 60-page photo-illustrated Spring 1989 issue of Legacy: The Journal of the Southern California Historical Society/6399 Wilshire Blvd., Room 614/Los Angeles, CA 90048.

A picture book for children about TWO LESBIANS AND THEIR DAUGHTER, Heather has Two Mommies, written by Leslea Newman, illustrated by Diana Souza, is $10 from In Other Words Publishing/11 Massasoit Street/Northampton, MA 01060.

For listings of unusual programs and publications, see OPTIONS THE JEWISH RESOURCES NEWSLETTER, a monthly, $18 per year. Options Publishing Co./Box 311/ Wayne, NJ 07470.

Three pamphlets with guidelines on CONFRONTING ANTI-SEMITISM are targeted respectively to Jewish parents, the Jewish community and the Christian community. $1.25 each, with special rates for bulk orders. Anti-Defamation League Marketing Department/823 United Nations Plaza/New York, NY 10017.

Rural Roots, JEWISH FARM HISTORY NEWSLETTER premiered in Summer 1989. Documentary III/244 Hawthorne Avenue/ Princeton, NJ 08541.


Conversations with TILLIE OLSEN (51 minutes, $12.45), CYNTHIA OZICK(89 minutes, $12.45), and GRACE PALEY (43 minutes, $14.45) are among the audio-cassette interviews and readings by leading American writers distributed by American Audio Prose Library, Inc.11015 E. Broadway, Suite 2841 P.O. Box 8421 Columbia, MO 65205.

Two women cantorial soloists, Margie Rosenthal and Ilene Safyan, have recorded SONGS FOR CHILDREN and the whole family. “Just in Time for Chanukah!” ($9.95), “It’s Time to Sing: Songs for Shabbat and Everyday” ($8.95), and “Reflections;’ songs in English, Hebrew and Yiddish ($10.95). Sheera Recordings/P.O. Box 19414/Portland, OR 97219.

A collection of songs that reflect the memory of the Holocaust, Soviet Jewry and the deaf community appear on two recordings from Naomi’s Chevreh: “KEEPING OUR DREAMS ALIVE: A RAINBOW OF SONGS IN ENGLISH, HEBREW, YIDDISH, RUSSIAN & LADINO” and “YIDDISH IS IN MY GENES” ($12 each, plus $1 handling). Send check made out to Jewish Deaf Council to Naomi Miller/194 Webster Drive/ Wayne NJ 07470.


A CONFERENCE ON FEMINIST JUDAISM will be held on December 3. Alicia Driks/Jewish Women’s Resource Center/National Council of Jewish Women NY Section! 9 East 69th St./New York, NY 10021.

The International Committee for the Women of the Wall is collecting money to purchase a Torah for the WOMEN STRUGGLING FOR THEIR RITES IN JERUSALEM. $25 contribution includes membership in the committee. The group is also planning a trip to Israel December 20 to January 2. (Services are held at the Wall every Friday morning at 6:45, and to celebrate each new month.) Mail inquiries and checks (made out to the New Israel Fund, earmarked “Women of the Kotel”) to Phyllis Chesler/732A Carroll Street/ Brooklyn, NY 11215.

For ten years SHIFRA AND PUAH, a grassroots group, has been helping Jewish women after childbirth by giving clothing and baby equipment to those in need. Urgently needed is equipment in good condition: cribs, port-a-cribs, strollers and twin strollers. Call Chaya Siegal/312-761-1631.


Women artists are encouraged to send material for future issues of GALLERIE: WOMEN’S ART, a quarterly. For guidelines: Gallerie Publications/2901 Panorama Drive/North Vancouver, BC/Canada V7G2A4.

For an anthology of work by women artists in all media on the subject of HEALING FROM INCEST (deadline December 31), send SASE for contributor’s guidelines: Louise M. Wise-child/606 19th E/Seattle, WA 98112.

For a December issue BY AND ABOUT JEWISH WOMEN, send articles, interviews, essays, reflections, reviews, news, fiction, poetry and artwork. Send SASE for guidelines Matrix Women’s Newsmagazine/108 Locust St. #13/Santa Cruz, CA 95060.

Child survivors of Terezin (also known as Theresienstadt) who were fifteen years of age or under at liberation will be included in an international DIRECTORY OF TEREZIN CHILDREN. Send name and address to receive a questionnaire. Inge Auerbacherl88-23 146th Street/Jamaica, NY11435.

Former INMATES OF AUSCH-WITZ-BIRKENAU who worked at any time in the “Canada” barracks (the name given the warehouse where seized personal property was processed) or any of the commands connected with “Canada” contact: Dr. Judith Tydor Baume/Senior Researcher! The Arnold and Leona Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research! Bar Ran University I Ramat Can! Israel.

The David Dornstein Memorial Creative Writing Contest for YOUNG ADULT WRITERS is offering an annual $1,000 prize for an original unpublished short story of 5,000 words or less on a Jewish theme. Entrants must be age 18 to 35; deadline December 31. CAJE/261 W. 35th St., floor 12A! New York, NY 10001.

Scholars, researchers or artists working on projects that make a significant contribution to the understanding, preservation, enhancement or transmission of Jewish culture, are invited to submit applications for INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIPS IN JEWISH STUDIES by October 31. Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture/15 East 26th Street/Room 1901/New York, NY 10010.