Tsena Rena

Resources for Jewish Women


An AIDS information hotline gives information and assistance in Yiddish, Hebrew or English with a sensitivity to Jewish concerns, as well as referrals to knowledgeable Orthodox, Conservative or Reform rabbis. All calls are strictly confidential. These services are provided by a foundation founded by the sister of a courageous young man from an Orthodox Jewish family who died of AIDS, and is named in his memory. The foundation’s goal is to inspire compassionate understanding in the Jewish community and to help alleviate the shame, silence and isolation that Jews with AIDS and their loved ones continue to feel, and to prevent the spread of AIDS through education. You can become involved: Invite a speaker to your Jewish high school or synagogue. Participate in bikur cholim, visiting persons with AIDS. Request a contribution box to bring to your synagogue, school or kosher butcher shop to collect funds. Tzvi Aryeh AIDS Foundation. P.O. Box 150, New York, NY 10025: (212)866-6306.

Responsible for elderly relatives? The Elder Support Network will put you in touch with the Jewish family service agency located nearest to your relative (even if you are in Israel and they are in North America, or vice versa). Professionals from that agency will help you prepare a care plan that might include such services as home delivered meals, home aides, electric emergency monitoring systems and transportation. Reasonable rates include the possibility of a sliding fee scale. Call Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies at 800-634-7346; fax 908-821- 0493; e-mail AJFCA@aol.com

Child Abuse Alert. A booklet originally distributed following the 1987 beating death of Lisa Steinberg is now being reissued in response to the question: how might Elisa Izquierdo’s life have been saved? The free desk reference, written by Jewish Child Care Association social workers, describes signs— shown by children and abusive adults—that suggest a child is being maltreated or neglected. Obtain a free copy from JCCA, 575 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10022; (212)371-1313.

Long Distance Love is a non-profit organization that connects people who have the same illness so they can communicate for mutual support. Participants are matched based on criteria such as age, health problems, symptoms, personal background, attitude, hobbies and interests. Family members, friends and caretakers can be connected as well via a Family Network. Long Distance Love Support Network, P. O. Box 114, New Brunswick, NJ; (908)418-1811.


Too Jewish? Challenging Traditional Identities explores the effect of the resurgence of ethnic consciousness over the past decade on Jewish artists. The exhibition has three sections: Re-Considering Ethnicity; Re-Presenting Popular Culture; and Re-Inventing Ritual. The works, while diverse in style, share an obsessive, confrontational and humorous approach to how we represent identity. Artists include: Helen Aylon, Deborah Kass, Gary Leibowitz and Rhonda Lieberman, Beverly Naidus, Nurit Newman, Rona Pondick, Elaine Reichek, Ilene Segalove and Hannah Wilke, Sandi Dubowski, and Susan Mogul. Through July 14, 1996 at the Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave. NY, NY 10128. (212)423-3200.

Passages: Jewish Women’s Immigration and Family History, a painting and mixed media installation exhibit, can be seen at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum through April 21, 1996. Each of six artists—Beth Grossman (curator), Carol Hamoy, Adrienne Klein, Rhoda London, Gerda Meyer- Bernstein and Franciska Rosenthal Louw—was invited to create work specifically designed for the dormitory rooms which housed immigrants during processing. Their works, the first site specific exhibition at the museum, evoke issues of dislocation and tradition, hope and loss, politics and religion. Ellis Island Immigration Museum, Special Exhibits Gallery, Liberty Island, New York, NY; (212)363-5803.


Yiddish: Beyond Oy Vey: Learn the fundamentals of Yiddish grammar; read Yiddish literary classics; explore East European and American Jewish culture through lectures (in Yiddish and English), Yiddish films, Yiddish conversation groups and a variety of workshops on translation, theater, folksong and traditional dance. Out-of-towners may stay in single rooms in a Yiddish dormitory suite on campus of Columbia University which cosponsors this program for elementary intermediate and advanced- level students. June 24 to August 2. For an application contact Jeffrey Salant, Director of Yiddish Language Programs YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 555 W. 57th St., #1100, New York, NY 10019; (212) 246-6080; fax (212)292-1892.

The Alisa Flatow Memorial Scholarship Fund to encourage post-high school studies of Judaism in Israel has been established in memory of the 20-year-old American student who was killed on April 9, 1995 in a terrorist attack in Kfar Darom, Gaza, Israel. Applicants may be planning to study at a yeshiva or a university; preference will be given to individuals who demonstrate academic promise and a critical need for financial aid in order to pursue study in Israel. Contributions may also be sent to augment this fund, which was established by the Flatow family. Contact Dr. Wallace Green, Alisa Flatow Memorial Scholarship Fund, Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest, 901 Route 10 East, Whippany NJ 07981; (201)428-7400.

Immerse yourself in the study of Jewish culture in a yearlong program of courses at Hampshire College, (with the possibility of taking courses as well as at other area colleges), while participating in a unique work-study program at the National Yiddish Book center. Jeremiah Kaplan Fellowships will fund undergraduate student scholars, paying 70% of each student’s tuition for a year. Applications from those with sophomore or higher status must be received by March 1 to begin studying the following fall term. Hampshire College, Office of Admissions, Amherst MA 01002; (413)582-5471.

Cracow: The Modern History and Experience of Jews in Eastern Europe, a summer course, explores the multifaceted community life. economic and political experiences, culture, literature, folklore, as well as the tragedy of the Holocaust. Student stipends are available for this eight-credit five-week program with funding from Steven Spielberg’s Righteous Persons Foundation. Open to all students. Application deadline is May 1. Contact NYU in Cracow, New York University, 285 Mercer St., 2nd fl., New York, NY 10003; (212)998- 8175; fax (212)995-4177; email abroad@nyu.edu

Speak Ladino? A doctoral candidate in medieval Spanish literature is working on a project to preserve the Judeo-Spanish language by recording the memories and experiences of Sephardi Jews who speak Ladino. Contact Susan Brody, 159 Fields Ave., Staten Island, NY 10314.


Do you have a grandparent who survived the Holocaust? Are you interested in connecting with others of the “Third Generation” to share your thoughts, feelings, and unanswered questions about being raised by parents who themselves were raised by Holocaust survivors? Write to psychologist and mediator Eva M. Brown, project director of Intergenerational Healing of Holocaust Families, herself a child survivor of the Holocaust and a grandparent. Eva Metzger Brown , 541 Station Rd., Amherst. MA 01002; e-mail: evamhrown@psych.umass.edu

Have you written a book or an article or produced a film on the experience of a child survivor of the Holocaust? To have your work included in a bibliography and videography being compiled, send a description and pertinent detailed information to: Ann Schore, The Hidden Child Foundation, Anti-Defamation League, 823 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017; (212)490- 2525.

Train to Lead

The Bibliodrama Training Institute is a 6-day intensive residential program to train Jewish professionals and laity in the use of role-playing techniques to create contemporary midrash. In this method—developed by training director Peter Pitzele, author of Our Fathers’ Wells (HarperSanFranciso, 1995)— participants step into the roles of biblical characters, imagining their motivations and relationships, struggles and dreams. Also on the faculty is Alicia Ostriker LlLITH’s poetry editor, and author of The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Revisions (Rutgers University Press, 1995). At Flat Chayyim retreat Center in Accord, NY, June 24- 30. Contact Rivkah Walton, Bibiliodrama Training Institute, 441 W. Carpenter Ln., Philadelphia, PA 19119-3006; (215)438-6108.

A Jewish Outdoor Leaders a training course in backpacking, rock site management, Jewish wilderness living, and environmental ethics and education will be held May 20-June 10 in the Blue Ridge Mountains at the North Carolina Outward Bound. Sponsored by the Coalition for the Environment in Jewish Life, an affiliate of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment. Contact Michal Smart, COEJL Director of Education, 39 W\att St. Somerville. MA 02143. e-mail: michsmart@aol.com or for this course, Rob Shulman, (617)457-8747; e-mail wk09539@worldlink.com

Spirit of ’73: Rock for Choice is a theme album commemorating the Roe v. Wade decision Produced by Julie Hermelin and Joy Ray, the compilation offers a wide variety of musical styles, featuring 14 new tracks by women performers, including the acoustic Indigo Girls, rockers Babe in Toyland, and jazz’s Cassandra Wilson, as well as songs from women singers and songwriters in the I970’s. Profits benefit Rock for Choice, a project of the Feminist Majority Fund. Distributed to music stores by 550 Music/ Epic/Sony (BK66879)

The 4th Annual Take Our Daughters to Work Day will be April 25. This year scholarships of $20,000 in savings bonds will be awarded by raffle to 3 girls, and $1500 will go to the girls athletic program in each winner’s school. Deadline May 31,1996. Girls, aged 9-17. may send a SASE for an entry form to Ms. Foundation for Women, TODTW Sweepstakes Entry, P.O.B. 397, Camden. NC 27921; (800)676-7780.

The New Girl Times, a national newspaper written by girls with news that’s meant to empower, includes in its inaugural issue columns on computers, “zines,” drinking, AIDS, adoption, being a vegetarian, animals, the Youth Tent at the NGO Forum on Women in China, and the spending power of teenage girls. Subscriptions are $12 for one year from The New Girl Times, 215 W. 84th St., New York. NY 10024; (212)595- 7525;(800)560-7525; e-mail: nugrltim@echonyc.com