57 Reasons to Get in Touch


A feminist quarterly in Hebrew, edited by Rachel Ostrovitz.
P.O.B. 21376
Tel Aviv 61213

Second Sex Publishing House
Headed by Sara Sykes, this company publishes women’s books. Catalogs are available
on request.
55 Shenken Street
Tel: 03-312349 or 03-342349

Headed by Barbara Swirsky Publishes feminist works, including translations.
P.O.B. 36448
Tel Aviv 61363
Tel: 03-615470

Na’amat Woman
A magazine in English on women’s issues.
Histadrut Building
93 Arlosoroff Street
Tel Aviv
Tel: 03-210791 or 03-262362
200 Madison Avenue #1808
New York, N.Y. 10016
Tel: (212)725-8010

WIZO Magazine
WIZO — Women’s International Zionist Organization
38 David Hamelech Blvd.
Tel Aviv

Media Watch
21 Beeri Street
Tel Aviv
Contact: Rachel Ostrovitz

Women Against Offensive Publicity
Seeks to improve the image of women in media.
Rechov 312 #3
Jaffa 68164
Contact: Dina Blechman
Tel: 03-832769

Health and Rehabilitation:

Women to Women: Jerusalem Shelter for Battered Women
Offers refuge for women and child victims of abuse. Also helps in finding housing, jobs and childcare.
P.O.B. 10403
Jerusalem 91103
Contact: Joan Hooper
Tel: 02-382009

Herzelia Battered Women’s Shelter
Same services as above.
P.O.B. 5941
Contact: Ruth Rasnik
Tel: 052-551022

Haifa Battered Women’s Shelter
Same services as above.
20 Huri Street
Contact: Lillian Lazarovitz
Tel: 04-662114

Ashdod Battered Women’s Shelter
Same services as above.
P.O.B. 6591
Tel: 051-32272

Health Line — Women’s Health Information and Education Center
c/o Israel Feminist
82 Ben Yehuda
Tel Aviv
Tel: 03-234917

Women for Women
Same services as above.
P.O.B. 4667
Contact: Barbara Swirski

Provides free counseling and information on contraception, pregnancy and sexuality.
Rechov Ben Yehuda 16
3rd floor
Jerusalem 94622
Contact: Ruth Bender
Tel: 02-248412

Israel Childbirth Education Center
Advocates reform of maternity care in Israel.
P.O.B. 3731
Haifa 31037
Contact: Wendy Bloomfield
Tel: 04-389633

Jerusalem Health Hotline
c/o Israel Women’s Network
P.O.B. 3171
Jerusalem 91037
Contact: Michal Schonbrun
Tel: 02-718922

Israel Family Planning Association
Provides information and counseling for adolescents and youth.
9 Rambam Street
Tel Aviv

Association for Victims of Sexual Abuse
P.O.B. 33041
Tel Aviv 61330
Contact: Joanne Yaron/ Esther Eilam
Tel: 03-244314 or 03-441341

Association for Domestic Abuse Rehabilitation
Israel’s first program to treat men who batter women and children.
9 Reiness St.
Tel Aviv
Contact: Ronit Lev-Ari
Tel: 03-235922

Linda Feldman Rape Crisis Center
P.O.B. 153
Jerusalem 91180
Tel: 02-245554

LO-Combatting Violence Against Women
Shelter for battered women and their children.
58 Sokolov Street
Herzliya 46380
Contact: Ruth Rasnik
Tel: 052-83856 or 052-86629
or Sheila Prag
Tel: 052-72836

Project Shalom Bayit
Offers services to women after they leave a shelter.
c/o Women For Women
P.O.B. 4667
Haifa 91032
Contact: Hannah Safran
Tel: 04-66214

Rape Crisis Center
Provides assistance to victims and education to the public.
P.O.B. 33041
Tel Aviv 61330
Contact: Rina Ben Tzvi
Tel: 03-234214

Rape Crisis Center
P.O.B. 9308
Haifa 91032
Contact: Nina Pravstein
Tel: 04-382611

Rape Crisis Center
P.O.B. 158
Jerusalem 91001
Contact: Lisa Fine
Tel: 02-245554

Rape Crisis Center
P.O.B. 4
Tel: 052-32432

Civil Rights:

American-Israel Civil Liberties Coalition, Inc.
Deals with domestic law in Israel — marriage, divorce, custody of children and burial.
275 Seventh Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10001

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)
A non-pqlitical body dedicated to the defense of individual and civil rights in Israel.
2 Turiah Street
Abu Tor, Jerusalem 93511
Contact: Eli Natan/Hagi
Tel: 02-718308

The Division for the Advancement of Equality of the Sexes of the United Kibbutz Movement Dedicated to promoting sexual equality on the kibbutz.
13 Leonardo daVinci St.
Tel Aviv
Contact: Erella Lamdan
Tel: 03-217151

Mitzva — League for Family Rights in the Courts
Mitzva is dedicated to alleviating the plight of agunot, women whose husbands refuse them a religious divorce.
P.O.B. 3186
Jerusalem 91036
Tel: 02-226339

Society for Protection of Personal Rights
P.O.B. 16151
Tel Aviv 61160
Tel: 03-246063 or 03-221721

Organization for Assistance to Agunot
Helps women who can’t obtain divorces.
P.O.B. 30953
Tel Aviv 61316
Contact: Daniela Valency
Tel: 03-5523418


IDF Women’s Corp.
Israel’s defense forces women’s section.
Army P.O.B. 2145
Contact: Brig. Gen. Hedva
Tel: 03-265746

Council for the Advancement of the Status of Women
Prime Minister’s Office
Kiriya, Jerusalem
Contact: Etya Simcha, advisor to the Prime Minister on the Status of Women

Council of Women’s Organizations in Israel
An umbrella organization for the major women’s organizations in Israel.
Prime Minister’s Office
Kiriya, Jerusalem
Contact: Etya Simcha

Fonim, of Heads of Women’s Organizations
Prime Minister’s Office
Kiriya, Jerusalem
Contact: Etya Simcha


Forum of Women’s Organizations
Most inclusive of all umbrella organizations; represents most of the grassroots groups.
c/o Shatil
P.O.B. 4156
Jerusalem, 91040

A peace movement in which Jewish and Arab women participate.
57 Horev Street
Contact: Dr. Ada Aharoni
Tel: 04-243230

Isha L’Isha — Haifa Women’s Center
Dedicated to promoting understanding between Israeli men and women. Publishes educational literature, including a directory of women’s groups in Israel.
P.O.B. 3610
88 Arlosoroff Street
Haifa 34370
Tel: 04-664949

Israel Women’s Network
A national coalition of individual women, women’s gi’oups and citizens actions groups.
P.O.B. 3171
Jerusalem 91037
Contact: Alice Shalvi/Dorit
Tel: 02-718922

Israel Feminist Movement
Lobbies for legislation, promotes academic courses on status of women and improving
awareness of feminist issues.
P.O.B. 33041
Tel Aviv 61330
Contacts: Joanne Yaron/Esther
Eilam/Sara Sykes
Tel: 03-234314 or 03-234114

Promotes equality for women in sports, particularly basketball.
6 Giladi Street
Jerusalem 93385
Contact: Orna Ostfeld
Tel: 02-710385 or 03-474385

Na’amat, The Women’s Labor Zionist Organization of America, Inc.
Provides free legal counseling for women, does research on the status of women in Israel,
operates vocational training programs for girls and women, and provides funds for day
care, education, adolescent and family counseling.
Histadrut Building
93 Arlosoroff Street
Tel Aviv
Tel: 03-210791 or 03-262362
17 Rehov Strauss
Tel: 02-244878

Rent — Women’s Social Services
Supports several sheltered housing projects.
5 Margolin Street
Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv

Status of Women Division
38 David Hamelech Blvd.
Tel Aviv
Contact: Judith Plotkin

Represents orthodox women in Israel and abroad.
166 Ibn Gavirol Street
Tel Aviv
Contact: Sarah Stern-Katan
Tel: 03-441193

Association of Women Directors
Organization of women in management positions in Israel.
18 Zichron Yaakov Street
Tel Aviv
Contact: Levana Zamir
Tel: 03-257570

Organization of National Service Widows
Provides financial support and information about entitlements for war widows.
P.O.B. 36317
Tel Aviv 61362
Tel: 03-391447

Organization of Unwed Mothers
P.O.B. 11564
Tel Aviv 61114
Contact: Tirza Giva
Tel: 03-947925


The Empowerment of Jewish Women
An International Conference, Nov 28 – Dec. 1,1988 in Jerusalem sponsored by American
Jewish Congress’ Committee for Women’s Equality, Israeli Women’s Network, and World
Jewish Congress’ Commission on the Status of Women.
American Jewish Congress
Commission for Women’s Equality
15 East 84th Street
New York, N.Y. 10028
Contact: Harriet Kurlander
Tel: (212)879-4500

Jerusalem International Conference on Women and Halacha
9 Brenner Street
Contact: Renina Peli

Research Institutes on Media and Family
10A Abba Hushi Street
Contact: Hemda Arad
Tel: 04-256950

Hebrew University Gender Differences in Sociology Program
Mt. Scopus
Contact: Prof. Galya Golan

Haifa University
Women’s Studies Program Offers 45 courses with over 400 students enrolled. Also has
public lecture series.
Haifa 31999
Contact: Marilyn Safir
Tel: 04-240111

Tel Aviv University Women’s Studies
Tel Aviv
Contact: Delilah Amir

Oranim Seminar
Offers two units for junior high school students on sex differences.
Doar Na Tivon 36910
Contact: Shoshana Ben-Zvi Mayer

Pelech Orthodox Secondary School for Girls
An experimental, egalitarian religious high school for girls.
14 Gideon Street
Tel: 02-711282